Join us on Sunday at 9:30 and 11:00 am for Worship
we believe the lord brought you here
At University Place Presbyterian Church we strive to know, experience and be the love of Jesus locally, intentionally, spontaneously and tangibly. Learn more...
Services on Sunday at 9:30 am for classic and 11 am for contemporary
Join us in person or via livestream for each service. We look forward to worshiping with you!
Latest Sermon & Podcast
Watch our latest sermon, or listen to the newest episode of our weekly podcast, Bible Jazz. Check it out!
Bring your questions and explore life, faith and meaning. Alpha is a series of 10 free sessions exploring some of life's biggest questions from the point of view of the Christian faith. It's a safe place to come as you are and ask what you want, without worrying about knowing or believing certain things.
Following Jesus is an active, intentional journey that transforms us each step of the way . These Discipleship "Pathways" are available for you to take intentional steps toward spiritual maturity in Jesus. Visit our Eventspage for the most up-to-date info!
Our church is led by elected volunteers who serve as elders and deacons, and on the nominating committee. Let us know who you recommend for one of these positions!
The Wayside
We serve coffee and offer the community a place to gather and connect with each other. We employ our high school youth, teaching them coffee craft and job skills. Proceeds support Youth Ministry. We are open Sunday -Thursday, 8:30am-1pm.
Community makes a difference. We'd love to hear how God is using UPPC and the people you meet as part of your story!
Current Series Playlist
Rightnow media
UPPC has access to an extensive video library called RightNow Media! It is a HUGE library of faith-based videos and study guides that you can access whenever and wherever you want.
Let’s stay connected! Be a part of UPPC's online church directory! With this new digital directory you can search by individual name, by family or scroll through to find a familiar face. Update and share your preferred contact information and picture anytime. Log in to Church Center from a computer OR download the app to your phone below and follow the prompts for access. Happy connecting!