Join us on Sunday at 9:30 and 11:00 am for Worship
Parables: Stories that Changed the World
February 9th, 2020
Here's an interesting thought experiment -- if you knew you had a finite amount of time to teach people everything they needed to know about abundant life now and eternal life to come ... how would yo...  Read More
This Time They Got it Right...Right?
February 3rd, 2020
Like last week, we’re looking again at the nature of stories in the Bible, but this week, we’re moving to the New Testament.Whether we realize it or not, Bible stories often get interpreted like a sor...  Read More
They Did It...Must We Do It?
January 26th, 2020
Last week we talked about "lenses" of interpretation. This week we're looking at the unfailing lens to translate scripture....  Read More
The $70 million mistake
January 19th, 2020
When we see a photo, we're seeing a very particular point of view on an object in a moment in time.  Similarly, in life what we experience is limited by the scope of our internal "lens," that is, our ...  Read More
The Word Became Flesh
January 13th, 2020
It's exciting to start a new teaching series for the new year!  "Lost in Translation(s)" will be an overview of what the Bible is and how we can be confident that we're reading it faithfully and accur...  Read More
Christmas on Location: The Temple Courts
January 5th, 2020
The week or two after Christmas is always interesting. Some are relieved, while others are already excited for next Christmas! But all of us have to “go back to normal.” So it was also with the shephe...  Read More
Christmas on Location: Magi
December 29th, 2019
There are a lot of ways to experience the Christmas season, but perhaps the best is through the eyes of children. Youth minister Rob shared this morning some of his own good memories of Christmas, and...  Read More
Christmas on Location: Mary & Joseph
December 15th, 2019
This morning, Dec. 15, 2019, we had a blessed time of music at UPPC!  First and foremost of course we thank God for the people, place, and resources that make such a celebration possible!  If you miss...  Read More
Christmas on Location: Nazareth
December 8th, 2019
Do you believe God is still active in the world? Walter Brueggemann said: “Few of our people imagine God to be an active character in the story of their lives.” Many of us may believe in God. But ther...  Read More
Emptiness, Silence, Waiting
December 1st, 2019
Christmas is coming soon, but Dec. 1 was the first Sunday of Advent.  Advent basically means “Get ready, something is coming!”  It’s our opportunity to enter back into our spiritual ancestors’ experie...  Read More
A Biblical Roadmap when Everyone Else is Lost
November 17th, 2019
Gotta love those prophets.  Prophets in the Bible were those people whom God chose to communicate God's messages to people.  Sounds like an honor, right?  But God's word to the people was often diffic...  Read More