"As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world."
John 17:18
At UPPC, we envision a renewed and flourishing community at home and abroad where the love of Jesus is known, experienced, and spread to others intentionally, spontaneously, and tangibly. We live out this vision
by engaging holistically to address the broken relationships, injustices, and hinderances
that prevent all from fully experiencing God's shalom.
by engaging holistically to address the broken relationships, injustices, and hinderances
that prevent all from fully experiencing God's shalom.

URGENT Funding Needed for Refugees
Many refugee families in our community and across the country rely on vital support for food, shelter, and transportation during their first 90 days resettling in the U.S. Funding for these essential services has ended, leaving families who have been promised refuge at risk of going hungry and homeless.
Learn how you can help at uppc.org/safehaven.
Learn how you can help at uppc.org/safehaven.
Travel Opportunities

February 13-17, 2025
Intergenerational Mexico Trip
February 2025
Work alongside El Niño residents and engage in mutually enriching cross-cultural experience.

August 2025
Intergenerational Kenya Trip
August 2025
Experience life in Meru, Kenya as you visit with students and families connected to UPPC's Cherish Ministry.

October 2025

American South
China Pilgrimage
American South Pilgrimage
October 2025
Next Trip Dates TBD
Come experience the church in China and be inspired by fellow believers living as "salt and light" (Mt 5:13-14) in another part of the world.
Be immersed into a deeper understanding of our country's history and be inspired by leaders and visionaries building God's Beloved Community.
Since 2003, UPPC has been partnering with grassroots Kenyan organized initiatives to educate, equip, and empower children in and near Meru, Kenya through child sponsorships, caregiver visits, and community support.
Cherish Sponsorships
Cherish Watoto Ministry
Each Cherish Sponsorship helps to educate, equip and empower a child in Kenya whose family cannot afford to pay for their K-12 education. Sponsorship not only helps ensure a student stays in school, it gives them a mentor and advocate who helps prepare them for adulthood.
Sponsor a student for as little as $29.50/month.
Sponsor a student for as little as $29.50/month.
We have students waiting for sponsors!
Watoto, meaning "children" in Swahili, supports community projects that allow students to succeed in school and their families to break the cycle of poverty. Current projects include providing lunches in schools in Meru and Laikipia counties who have large numbers of students from families struggling to feed their children.
A donation of $30 to "Watoto" can feed 10 students for one month.
A donation of $30 to "Watoto" can feed 10 students for one month.
Put your faith into practice as you explore with others how God is calling you to be a peacemaker in Jesus' name.
Stay tuned for the next offering of Flourishing - expected Fall 2025!
Summer Lunch Distribution
Without access to the free or reduced lunches offered during the school year, many children in our community go hungry. UPPC is partnering with Families Unlimited Network (FUN) and other churches in the area to distribute free prepackaged meals within several University Place communities. This is a great opportunity for families and friends to serve together.
More information coming May 2025!

Thanks to all who helped fill backpacks in 2024!
Back to school
Next Back to School Fair: August 2025
In partnership with Families Unlimited Network (FUN), UPPC provides backpacks filled with school supplies for kids grades K-12 at FUN’s Back to School Fair. The average cost per student for basic supplies is about $70. Help us fill backpacks by making a monetary donation to the “Community Connection” fund. Volunteer opportunities are also available.
Need assistance with supplies? Details about the next Back to School Fair will be available late July 2025.
UPPC, 8101 27th Street West, University Place, WA 98466
UPPC, 8101 27th Street West, University Place, WA 98466
Thank you to all who helped share the love of Jesus for Christmas 2024!
Community Christmas
In partnership with Families Unlimited Network (FUN) and local schools, families in our community are invited to enjoy food and fellowship at UPPC's annual Community Christmas Party and receive a little extra support in the form of gift cards and food for Christmas. Volunteers and donations are needed for Christmas 2025.
Need Christmas assistance?
Those connected to UPPC may click on this link to request assistance for themselves or someone they know.
All other families should contact their child's school counselor or Families Unlimited Network to find out what assistance options are available. Many families will be referred to UPPC.
All other families should contact their child's school counselor or Families Unlimited Network to find out what assistance options are available. Many families will be referred to UPPC.
Ongoing Service Opportunities
Safe Haven Refugee Ministry
Since 2015 UPPC has worked to support refugees in our area. Growing from housing assistance and teams to help a family learn how to live in a new country, our ministry continues to expand. We now provide English classes, supplies for those in detention centers, and weekend housing and transportation to those en route to their final destination. See how you can help at uppc.org/safehaven.
Families Unlimited Network (FUN)
Located on UPPC’s premises, FUN volunteers honor and strengthen families through teaching, supporting essential needs and building relationships out of love for God and neighbor. Donate food, serve in the Food Bank, or volunteer in the Spot After-School Tutoring Program. More information at familiesunlimitednetwork.org.
Cherish Meru, Kenya
Since 2003, UPPC has been partnering with Hope International Ministry Trust to educate, equip, and empower children in Meru, Kenya through child sponsorships, caregiver visits, and auxiliary support. Learn how you can sponsor a child or provide other financial support at cherishmeru.org.
Coffee Oasis Pierce County
Provide love and support to homeless youth by becoming a youth center volunteer, mentor, or street outreach volunteer at the Coffee Oasis Tacoma Shelter. Volunteer Training is offered the first Saturday of each month.More information at thecoffeeoasis.com/volunteer.
REACH Ministries
Provide hope to HIV-positive children and their families by serving at a REACH camp or retreat, mentoring those affected by HIV, interning with REACH or preparing encouraging gift baskets or gift cards. More information at reachministries.org.
UP & North Tacoma Young Life
UPPC and Young Life have been partnering for decades with the goal of helping adolescents become followers of Jesus and helping them grow in their faith. You can get involved in a variety of ways, including becoming a Young Life leader, joining a prayer team or providing meals. To find out more at upnt.younglife.org.
Habitat for Humanity
The Tacoma/Pierce County branch of Habitat for Humanity selects families to receive newly-built or renovated homes. They offer a “hand up” rather than a “handout”. Since 1985 HH has built or rehabilitated over 300 homes in Pierce County. UPPC partners with HH by helping build two homes in the area each year. See how you can
put your faith into action at
put your faith into action at
Family Renewal Shelter
Family Renewal Shelter offers a safe place primarily for women and children whose well-being is in real danger due to domestic violence. Your donation helps FRS rescue and give hope to those at risk. Volunteer training is offered to for those interested in working with clients at the shelter or helping with maintenance, yardwork or making pick-ups, etc. Find details at domesticviolencehelp.org/volunteer.
Olive Crest South Sound
Become a foster parent or join a Care Community that supports one. More information at uppc.org/fostercare
Outreach Ministry Teams
Kenya Team
UPPC's Kenya Team runs the day-to-day operations of UPPC's Cherish Sponsorship and Watoto ministries in partnership Hope International Ministry Trust and others in Meru, Kenya. This includes communicating with sponsors, sharing ministry updates, and forwarding sponsorship letters from Kenya.
Learn about UPPC's Cherish Ministry at cherishmeru.org.
Join the team, by emailing [email protected].
Learn about UPPC's Cherish Ministry at cherishmeru.org.
Join the team, by emailing [email protected].
South Sudan Team
UPPC's South Sudan Team serves as an extended family to South Sudanese refugees in the area who need help with things like childcare and transportation to doctor appointments. The Team also partners with Community Transformation Centre who provides discipleship, sewing skills, and economic-empowerment to South Sudanese in the Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya.
Join the team by emailing [email protected].
Join the team by emailing [email protected].
Safe Haven Welcome Team
Home to the nation's fourth largest immigration processing center, immigrants leave Tacoma's ICE processing center every week looking for repite, a warm meal and transportation before heading to their next destination. UPPC's Safe Haven Welcome Team share the responsibility welcoming these individuals and helping them get to the next stop in their journey.
Join the team by emailing [email protected].
Join the team by emailing [email protected].

My story serving at UPPC
Dan Small, Families Unlimited Foodbank volunteer
For 6 years, I have volunteered at the Families Unlimited Foodbank. Giving my time to help others is very important to me. I pick up food from local grocery stores and food warehouses that helps feed nearly 2,000 people each month. The hours I give each week helping others is rewarding and helps strengthen my faith in Jesus with every box of food I unload.