Join us on Sunday at 9:30 and 11:00 am for Worship

The Rock

Grades 8-9

When We Gather

Wednesdays 8-9pm | September - June

Hangout with friends and play fun games. Discover who God is and who you are in Christ.  

Sundays 9:30 & 11am

Students gather  for a service designed for youth. They are challenged to learn more about Jesus, together.

We believe God brought you here

Upcoming Events

Late Nighter -
Friday 02/28

Parents: Get Involved

We believe strongly in the involvement of the  whole church in our children's & youth ministries. UPPC loves kids! If you are interested in getting involved we have a number of ways to impact the lives of students in our community as a prayer partner, mentor, or volunteer in our programming.  Email Lexi at [email protected] to get connected!

Meet the Leader!

Robin Fawcett

"I do youth ministry because I want students to experience God, know God, and ask questions about God. There’s a lot of things out in our culture today that are competing for their attention. If a student can experience God’s presence and Holy Spirit in guiding them and walking with them through this crazy life; they will know that hope lies in Jesus. I am passionate about sharing God through action and if needed using words."

Contact Us

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