Join us on Sunday at 9:30 and 11:00 am for Worship
The UPPC Nominating Committee invites members to share in the selection of those who will be nominated to serve in the leadership of our congregation.

UPPC Leadership Recommendations

The Session, comprised of elders, serves as the governing body of the church. Elders, Deacons and Nominating Committee Members are elected, volunteer positions within the church body who help facilitate the leadership and direction of the church, including the spiritual care of our members. 
Nomination Guidelines
To be considered, nominees must:
• Have a personal commitment of faith in Jesus Christ as Savior
• Be a witness of God’s grace in our community
• Be a member of UPPC, serving in church activities
• Have regular attendance at worship services
• Contribute to the financial support of UPPC

Meet your 2024 leadership  Nominees


Elders should be persons of faith, dedication and good judgment with experience in and/or a desire to be in a leadership role. Their manner of life should be a demonstration of the Christian gospel, both within the church and in the world.  It is the privilege of Elders, individually and jointly, to strengthen and nurture the faith and life of the congregation. They are to be committed to the spiritual leadership of the church. Elders are also members of the Session, which is the governing body of UPPC for the ministerial, financial, and physical management of the church.


As set forth in Scripture, the office of Deacon is one of sympathy, witness and service, after the example of Jesus Christ. Persons of spiritual character, exemplary lives, honesty, sympathy and good judgment should be chosen for this office. The primary work of Deacons is to minister to those who are in need, to the sick, the bereaved, and to anyone in distress.

Nominating Committee Members

These individuals should be persons who have a background of service to Christ through our church, knowledge of the work of the Session and the Board of Deacons, a broad acquaintance with members of this congregation and a sincere desire to assume the responsibility required.


Elders and Deacons are prayerfully chosen by the congregation. Pastors serve on the nomination committee, but do not ultimately choose elders and deacons. Both are nominated by members of the congregation and selected by vote by the members of the congregation. The senior pastor is moderator of our Session (board of elders). For more information on the process, see below.

Elder, Deacon & NC Member Recommendations

The Process

Step One: Congregation members are invited to recommend church members they believe suitable to serve as either deacon or elder by completing a recommendation form (above). This is not an official nomination but a recommendation that will then be passed to the Nominating Committee.

Step Two: The Nominating Committee is made up of two elders and at least six members-at-large who meet throughout the year to consider recommendations for open positions. This is a process of discussion, prayer and discernment and often takes time. Generally 3-5 names are chosen for consideration for each opening. Only candidates under final consideration will be contacted by the committee.

Step Three: When candidates have been selected by the Nominating Committee, and have expressed a willingness to accept the position, their names will be available to church members each spring with a brief bio and faith statement of each nominee.

Step Four: The slate of nominees is presented at the Congregational Meeting in the spring. A vote is then taken by those UPPC members present to either accept or reject nominees. Church members must be present to vote. Though it is rare, nominations can be made from the floor at that meeting.

The congregation should feel free to make recommendations throughout the year using the recommendation form above. The names and contact info for your Nominating Committee elders appears in the UPPC directory if you have questions.

Elder Positions and Ministry Teams at UPPC include: Children and Youth Ministry; Continuity and Communication; Discipleship; Facilities; Finance; Human Resources; Outreach; Nominating Committee; Welcome and Connect; Worship. These ministry groups are made up of elders and team members. Only elders are permitted to vote at Session.