The UPPC Nominating Committee invites each member to share in the choosing of men and women who will be nominated to serve in the leadership of our congregation.
UPPC Leadership Recommendations
The Session, comprised of elders, serves as the governing body of the church. Elders, Deacons and Nominating Committee Members are elected, volunteer positions within the church body who help facilitate the leadership and direction of the church, including the spiritual care of our members. Scroll down to learn more about each position and to submit recommendations.
Nomination Guidelines
To be considered, nominees must:
• Have a personal commitment of faith in Jesus Christ as Savior
• Be a witness of God’s grace in our community
• Be a member of UPPC, serving in church activities
• Have regular attendance at worship services
• Contribute to the financial support of UPPC
To be considered, nominees must:
• Have a personal commitment of faith in Jesus Christ as Savior
• Be a witness of God’s grace in our community
• Be a member of UPPC, serving in church activities
• Have regular attendance at worship services
• Contribute to the financial support of UPPC